“When the suffering of isolation is far greater than the pain you are hiding from–you are ready to recover.”
Author Robin Phipps Woodall
"How do I begin to explain how much Robin Woodall has changed my life? I lived my entire adult life with a raging eating disorder. It was so bad that I was binging and purging multiple times a day. When I wasn't purging, I was spending every waking second thinking about food, reading the latest diet books, or exercising obsessively. I did this all for one reason--so that I could stay thin. I believed being thinner would make me feel better, that health would improve my life, and that I'd be more confident in myself, my life, and in my marriage. Losing weight and being healthy became the purpose of my life. I have a masters degree in counseling, spent thousands on the "best" nutritionists and trainers in NYC, and have sought therapy and healing in all sorts of forms. I was petrified that I would never be healed, never live without an eating disorder, and never be "normal" around food. Nothing ever worked and I was beginning to lose all hope.
"Losing weight and being healthy became the purpose of my life."
Then I miraculously found Robin on YouTube and decided to work with her. With Robin's "no bullsh*t" guidance, I can honestly say that I no longer feel bad about my body. I no longer care to diet, obsess about food and exercise, care about whether I lose or gain weight, and I have not binged or purged in almost three years! I am healthier now than I have ever been-- without dieting, obsessing, or trying to force my body to be what it's not. This healing has opened up my entire world. My mind is free to pursue things that interest me, I am confident in who I am, and my daughters have a role model they can actually look up to! Robin has helped me to escape the confusion, shame, guilt and hatred I had my entire life, and now I live in freedom to be myself with grace, abundance and love. At first it was NOT easy. But once you accept what she is telling, the process is life-giving and life-transforming."